What is Autoimmune Yoga?

What is Autoimmune Yoga?

Autoimmune Yoga is a 100% experience-based, practice-oriented system. It is based on my experience of working with autoimmune patients over the past 6+ years.

What are the elements of it?

Specific Autoimmune Yoga exercises
Breathing exercises
Stress relief exercises
Relaxation exercises
Self awareness

What makes it different from other yoga?

Autoimmune Yoga is an applied yoga movement. It is based on the hatha yoga tradition. From the rich toolbox of hatha yoga, Autoimmune Yoga specifically uses those that are useful for people with autoimmune diseases.

How can it be useful for all autoimmune diseases when the symptoms are so different?

Although there are many autoimmune diseases with very different symptoms, experience shows that this is only the tip of the iceberg. The personality traits and lifestyles of people with autoimmune disease are extremely similar. In most cases it is these common features (which I call indicators) that cause autoimmune diseases to flare up. Understanding the indicators and how to deal with them in life will help you live with a wide variety of autoimmune diseases.